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Customer Testimonials

My customer testimonials are the lifeblood of my business and it matters what past customers say after working with me.

Whether I have represented a buyer or seller, my reviews have been consistently 5 star ratings, and these are just some examples of what clients who have used me for their real estate needs have said.

You can be read more customer testimonials on my Google My Business and Zillow review pages.

When you are ready to hire a Realtor, it would be my pleasure to add you to the list of satisfied customers! 😀

Contact me today for a hassle-free real estate transaction.

"...very professional, knowledgeable of the market easy to work with and most important always protected my interest...always available, interacted well with all parties involved and made this important transaction an enjoyable one. I highly recommend her."- Ernesto Unanue - "Black Diamond" - Lecanto, Fl.

"All we can say in WOW!!! We have bought and sold several houses and this by far was the best experience we have ever had. This team is incredibly professional and responsive we have never felt more comfortable with any real estate transaction we have had. They take care of everything. We will never buy or sell with anyone else." - Heidi Calkins- Citrus Springs, Fl.

"Over last 50 years I bought and sold over dozen properties and worked with lots of realtors, some good, some not so good. She is the best of all. Smart, honest, responsive, friendly, persistent, and great business sense. Quality pro who works hard for clients to ensure satisfaction. When inevitable glitches arise during closing process she calmly take charge, jumps on the problem, and resolve in clients best interest. She has set the bar extremely high. My highest recommendation.: - Hal Boylan- Crystal River, Fl.

"We’ve had the pleasure in working with Ann Marie on two sales transactions. She is hard-working, honest and professional!!! I’d highly recommend for she is the best in the game!!! - The Berrios Family - Ocala, Fl.
"In order for us to purchase our “Paradise Home”, we had to first sell our existing home. Ann Marie sold our home within days during a global pandemic and after the state was recovering from an economic shutdown. That fact alone should be sufficient enough to hire her. Ann Marie impressed us from the beginning with her attentiveness, persistence, and willingness to work with us on our particular constraints. She is hardworking, responsive, and was able to answer all of our questions. We are thankful for her vast knowledge in all aspects of the industry....able to solve any problems quickly and efficiently. She successfully shepherded the deal with minimum wrinkles during an exceptionally trying time. If not for her, we would not be living our dreams today...such a blessing to our family. - Breckany & Jake Masciarelli - Dunnellon, Fl.
"(She) made selling my home a breeze....kept me up to date on changes in the market and advised me on all aspects of selling my property. Hard working and professional. I would highly recommend her when you are ready to sell your home.: - Freda Nichols - Inglis, Fl.

Read more customer reviews on Zillow.