damaged house after hurricane

Hurricane Ian – What To Do After The Storm

Hurricane Ian just devastated most of Southeast Florida!  Now what?

If you were affected by this storm, or know someone who was, time is of the essence to get things done.

I have lived in Florida since 1980, and I can tell you that when you survive a Category 1 or 2 with minimal damage you become jaded and don’t take the warnings as seriously until something like Hurricane Ian comes though!

I lived in S. Florida during hurricane Andrew, Wilma and many others, so I have seen firsthand what this category of storm can do!

Unfortunately, not everyone in the state has been though a category 4 or 5 storm, so many people were woefully unprepared for this catastrophe.

As I listened to the news, I was saddened to keep hearing how many resident in the areas that took the biggest hit say they were “not prepared” for a storm of this magnitude, despite all the warnings.

With the untold millions of people who are affected from this storm, the wait for help will be long.  But if you start soon, you will be ahead of the game.

So, Tip 1 – If you are able to get to your residence safely, take plenty of pictures and contact your insurance company right away.

Keep in mind they will be overwhelmed with calls, so you will have to be patient and persistent to get your claim filed asap!

You will be in shock and distracted, but don’t lose focus as this will only add to your frustration.

flooded neighborhood

Tip 2 – Contact FMEA to apply for individual assistance.  

Many people are not aware that FEMA was in the process of creating the Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program, however, it is not fully implemented yet.  

This program when implemented will provide grants to help retrofit commercial, residential and mobile home properties against hurricanes.

Tip 3 – If you are in need of shelter, contact the American Red Cross or the Salvation Army.  You can also text SHELTER and your zip code to 4DFMMA (43362),

Tip 4 – Download the help after a disaster PDF Its extremely information and helpful and covers topis from Housing assistance, funerals, and many other topics that FEMA can help with that are not covered by your insurance carrier.

Tip 5 – Lean on family and friends who can provide help in any way possible.  

Remember, this hurricane did not discriminate on who it affected.  Whether, rich, poor, black, white, young or old, it has touched everyone.

If you can help someone during this extremely difficult time, I encourage you to do so.  There are various ways from donations to helping with gas, food, or even babysitting!

This is when the true power of social media can be seen.  If you search, you will find many posts about where you can help the most!

I am sure whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated and thank you!

Ann-Marie is a real estate agent in the Greater Ocala, Florida area with over 2 decades in the business. She is a veteran of the United States Air Force and her clients know her as a go-getter and pro-active agent specializing in the luxury market.
