Negotiating Repairs on AS-IS Contract
You found your perfect home, you performed inspections and now you want the seller to make some repairs even though you are under an As-Is contract. The key thing to remember is that the seller is not obligated to do any repairs or even respond to your request for repairs. In Florida, the As-Is contract is one of the most popular real estate contracts, however, its important that a buyers agent fully understand how to work with this type of contract to facilitate a smooth transaction. As the buyer, you have the right to cancel the contract before the end of the inspection period or request repairs of the seller.…
Tips to Buying A Home Unseen
I bet when you saw the title of this post, you wondered WHO would buy a home they have not seen in person? It may come as a shock that many people purchase a home before ever setting foot inside. These buyers may be moving to a new country or city far away, or they may not have the time or resources to visit for a home search before the big move. Believe it or not, we have had customers in the past who have purchased a home unseen, and it is becoming more common with the Covid-19 pandemic and the lack of housing inventory in our area. Not everyone…
How To Know If You Are Ready To Sell Your Home
Eventually every home owners has to decide if they are ready to sell their home. With the current Covid-19 health crisis notwithstanding, there are many factors that go into timing the sale of your home. We have all heard there are certain months that are better to sell than others; or that a sellers market condition is the right time. However the time for each person is based on several factors and what is right for one family, may not be the right time for your situation. Here are some of the most important things to consider: Do you have enough equity in your current home? If you do, then…
Buy or Rent?
Is it better to Buy or Rent? What adult has not given thought to that question? There have been countless articles, podcasts, social media posts and more about the difference and which is better. But the answer to that question really depends on many different factors including how fast home prices and rent rising as well as how long you plan to stay there. How and when one chooses to buy or rent also depends on where you live. For example, if you live in a city like Seattle or San Francisco, it may actually be better to rent there. There is also the reality that if you are currently…
Corona Virus Quarantine Supplies
“Quarantine” seems to be the word on everyone’s lips. I am sure by now you must have seen first hand, if not on media coverage, the empty isles at your local grocery store. People are stocking up on the items they expect to need for the corona virus quarantine for the next several weeks or possibly months. Most people are stocking up on groceries and other items they will need during the extra time at home. Even though most people hate the idea of being under quarantine, it’s better than being hospitalized. There are other items you may need to consider when making your next trip to the grocery store.…
Corona Virus and Real Estate
Who hasn’t heard of the Corona virus / Covid-19 by now and what’s going on in the world. But even that dark cloud is producing a silver lining of sorts for home buyers. It’s also presented a new and unique challenge on how we will conduct business as real estate agents, buyers and sellers. The Corona virus / Covid-19 is not just a health issues and global pandemic, it also affects our economy, including the housing market. It’s amazing how much our world has changed and how what happens in one part of the world can affect our local economy. In 2003, the SARS epidemic hurt the Chinese economy. The…